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Imagine you have discovered that certain people at the company you work for are engaging in discrimination or other illegal activities. You report the conduct to upper management and to the authorities. But instead of being congratulated for your honesty and commitment, your employer retaliates against you, or worse, fires you.


This is known as employer retaliation, and for many people, it is all too real. At G. Gray Law, we help people throughout Kansas City, Missouri, who have lost their jobs or otherwise suffered illegal punishment after becoming a whistleblower.

State and federal laws prohibit employers from seeking revenge against a whistleblower.


Whistleblowers are employees who report potentially illegal activity, or take part in a government investigation against the company. State and federal law protects so-called “whistleblowers” from retaliatory termination or other actions by the employer. We will help you fight back against retaliation and get compensation.


To prove that you were the victim of employer retaliation, usually you must prove three things:

  1. You were engaged in a protected activity, such as reporting illegal hiring practices

  2. Your employer punished you in some way

  3. The punishment resulted from your protected activity


If you need an employer retaliation lawyer in Kansas City with extensive experience in employment law, and we have successfully represented many victims of employer retaliation, we can help. We build a strong case to use as leverage in settlement negotiations or to take to court. You should not have to suffer harm to your career because you stood up for the law, or because you applied for workers’ compensation.

104. W 9th St. Ste 401
Kansas City, Mo 64105
Call 1 (816) 888 3145 or Fax 1 (816) 817 4683

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