Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries
The spinal cord is actually quite fragile, and without the thick, bony spine protecting it, debilitating injuries to the spinal cord would occur more often. Generally, a spinal cord injury occurs after a traumatic impact or blow to the spine. Some common causes of spinal cord injuries, according to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, include:
Motor vehicle accidents (accounts for nearly 42 percent of all injuries)
Falls (account for nearly 27 percent of all injuries)
Violent acts (account for nearly 15 percent of all injuries)
Injuries resulting from a recreational sport, such as football (account for about 7.5 percent of all injuries)
Spinal injuries can range from mild to extremely severe. The effects of an injury can include:
Loss of movement
Loss of sensation
Loss of bowel and/or bladder control
Pain or stinging sensations
Changes in sexual function
Spasms or other exaggerated reflexes
Spinal Cord Injury Lawsuits
If your spine was injured in a Kansas City accident, one option that you have is to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against any responsible party(s) that directly or indirectly caused the injury. In general, to pursue a lawsuit, you need to declare an individual, corporation, or another entity as the cause of the preventable spinal cord injury.
Moreover, you may need to prove “negligence” in your spinal injury lawsuit and show to the judge, insurers, and/or the court that the other party’s negligent behavior caused the injury. For example, a driver is talking on his cell phone and hits a pedestrian. The pedestrian may be entitled to damages by proving that the driver’s distraction and negligence led to the injury.

Spinal Cord Injuries
Your spine is one of the most important parts of your central nervous system, and it affects nearly every part of your body. As such, injuries to the spinal cord can result in serious, often life-changing consequences, including paralysis.
Whether a spinal cord injury resulted from an accident or a work injury, the impact on the victim’s life (as well as that of his/her family) can be enormous, especially in terms of medical costs. If you or a loved one was injured in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses.